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SSHFS Module

Shell Functions

# fuse sshfs
function sshmount
    mkdir /mnt/$host
    sshfs -ovolname=$host -oreconnect -ofollow_symlinks $host:/ /mnt/$host
function sshumount
    umount /mnt/$host
    rmdir /mnt/$host


sshfs and fuse are now available for OS X in fink! Sweet!!!

    sshfs user@hostname:/ /mnt/hostname

On my first attempt to mount a remote filesystem, I got this error:

    fuse: failed to exec mount program: No such file or directory

I read the FAQ and realized I needed to add /sw/sbin to my PATH and all was good.

Hanging when used in combo with Emacs

When I first installed sshfs from fink I was really frustrated that it seemed to be freezing up after a few minutes making it basically unusable. Once the filesystem began to hang, everything trying to access that filesystem would hang, and despite lots of trying, the only thing I could do was to 'kill -9' the associated sshfs process. I eventually figured out that the only time things would hang was when I was editing files on the mount in emacs. I noticed that the first couple of times the save would work fine but after a couple of minutes (and usually at least a few saves) it would become unresponsive. Using ktrace, I tracked it down - it appears emacs was trying to create and use a symlink (during auto-save?) but I hadn't enabled the symlinks option in sshfs. I have no idea why that caused everything accessing the filesystem to hang... But since I made the change it's been really stable. Sweet!

Updated Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:12 PM